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Old Song- Always Favourable

Never imagined it would be that hard to put a new playlist with uploaded song. they've been strict about illegality now.. so  I end up posting the video . Ew..  
hehe stupid, after all this time,  I've just know Bi Mil (korean) means 秘 密 , Secret... 

The part I like the most is in the middle of the song when Song Seung Heon said       

                                                          难道.. 这就是爱?”

Hehehe..  He said it in Korean. of course I cant hear Korean at all...  The first time i heard it, it's the movie's opening song so I can read the song's subtitle in chinese . thats how i know...

With the green grass background in almost every scene, I really feel a kind of peaceful feeling, like I was brought there, sleeping in the midddle of the field. Son ye jin also look so vulnerable and pitiful in this movie. ck2.. 


Uda berapa lama yah gak lihat blog ini???
smpe mesti reset password yang klupaan lewat email...

this time , i won't use english... gak tau kenapa, gak pengen aja. :-P

ehm-ehm... terkadang terlalu pede dan janji2 muluk memang menyebalkan...
bertahun-tahun yang lalu memulai blog ini, walaupun hanya iseng, juga dilandasi sedikit harapan blog ini bisa berguna... nyatanya.......... terabaikan bberapa lama.
bberapa (tahun/bulan???) yg lalu mulai lagi ngisi pke sesuatu yg bner2 hobby gw(mmbca novel)... eh....
nihil juga. Sedikit malu sebnrnya... Ahkkk... :-S

tapi sesuatu yg dpaksakan memang gak bagus... walaupun uda bertekad dn brjnji mw mereview bbrp buku,
berhubung usia bertambah dan 2tahun ini mbaca novel bukan lagi keseharian. akhirnya ku putuskan untuk tidak melanjutkan review2an... :-DD

ngomongin soal lama gak buka blog,
lihat profile sendiri, bnr2 merasa kyk lht blog org lain.
"i'm just an ordinary girl,  struggle to make my life useful for myself and the others"???
sounds abit exaggerate actually (for now me)
bahkan mmbca buku perpisahan sma , bikin blushing aja. Dlu nulis pesan perpisahan dengan api berkobar-kobar di hati. hahahaha... now.... :-S... (I dont wanna mention its contain)...biarin jdi rahasia antara aku-si buku-tmn2 pemilik si buku  ^^   tp ya sudahlah, let it be...

               rasanya prnh dengar org bilang : makin tua, org makin realistis.     
Mungkin sebenarnya bukan realistis, tapi tidak berani bermimpi karna sadar gak lagi punya waktu banyak. Setiap waktu kehidupan seolah memberikan kita 'one way ticket'. Banyak kesempatan berharga  yang tidak akan bisa muncul lagi di lain waktu.
tapi mimpi tetap layak utk diprtahankan ( skrg gw msi 21 thn, mgkn klo uda 41 thn lain kata lagi :-)hehehe...)
ada quote: u can dream it, u can do it...   okelah percaya saja. walaupun mungkin itu cuma sugesti buat yg muda... Intro diprofile tetep gw biarin, kata2nya cukup positif... juga sebagai reminder aja utk mimpi2 sblmnya...

Puluhan menit yg lalu , bru bca artikel koran (Harian Analisa) yang isinya : 'Saya membaca maka saya (harus) menulis. 
Sedikit menarik perhatian untuk seseorg biasanya cuma baca judul berita utama + halaman selebriti+ pak Tuntung seperti gw... :-)  hehe...
gw udah nyoba nulis bbrp kali, dan bneran... menulis itu gak gampang dan gak sederhana. Butuh niat yg luar biasa, juga kritik dan saran dari orang yg brpngalaman. Saran menusuk pertama dtg dr kkak gw.
'"terlalu detail, formal, membosankan, gak menarik"  
ow..oww.... jujur, perasaan pertama yang hinggap jelas kecewa...tapi dalam htungan menit, gw menyadari, niatnya bilang gitu ya biar bisa brkembang ke arah yang lebih baik... kalau untuk kkak gw yg dari awal curious apa yg gw tulis ajah bisa mmbosankan, apalagi org lain... ew....
yah intinya  bener2 berharap , jgn smpe putus asa atau malas deh... hehe...

Aktivitas tulis-menulis tengah malam ini, gw tutup dgn doa kedamaian dr bpk Reinhold Niebuhr:

'Tuhan, tolong berikan aku kedamaian untuk menerima hal-hal yang  tidak dapat aku ubah,
keberanian untuk mengubah hal-hal yang dapat aku ubah,
dan kebijaksanaan untuk membedakan keduanya.'
(cukup menginspirasi:-))

Sequels 'n Collections

All from Agnes Jessica , my favourite writer.
There's nothing i can say, but she's 100% talented-writer.

These are Mystery novels from Hitomi Akino,
I really enjoy the stories, but now i cant find akino's book at bookstores anymore( dont know why)

My First Books

I started buying books on my days in junior H.S.
When "Bursa buku" was still opened, i went there every week, buying at least 1 book.
but it had already close few years ago. n I've to wait till holiday for going to Medan n buying books.

My first novels are 'Does My bum look big in this?'(Arabella weir), Mystery in Hamura Sanitarium(hitomi akino), Hey... Conchita(Marthino Andries).

this novel tells about an independent woman (jacqueline) has problem with her weight n fats.. this book is like her diary, n she wrote everything on her mind in it. it's amazing, i think. Her mind are full of wild imagination n perception(but also cool^^), and alot of funny things.
I dont know why, but I'm always interested, fascinated and admire western lifestyle.

I'll write reviews or summaries of these 2 novels later ^^

Kris Allen- Live like we're dying

The first song of my playlist above is Live Like we're dying.
I'm very impressed by its lyric n the way Kris sang it( very2 quick! wasn't he breathless?)

Here's its lyric:

Sometimes we fall down and can’t get back up
We’re hiding behind skin that’s too tough
How come we don’t say I love you enough
Till it’s to late, it’s not too late

Our hearts are hungry for a food that won’t come
We could make a feast from these crumbs
And we’re all staring down the barrel of a gun
So if your life flashed before you
What would you wish you would’ve done

Yeah… gotta start
Lookin at the hand of the time we’ve been given here
This is all we got and we gotta start pickin it
Every second counts on a clock that’s tickin’
Gotta live like we’re dying

We only got
86 400 seconds in a day to
Turn it all around or throw it all away
We gotta tell ‘em that we love ‘em
While we got the chance to say
Gotta live like we’re dying

And if your plane fell out of the skies
Who would you call with your last goodbyes
Should be so careful who we live out our lives
So when we long for absolution
There’ll no one on the line

We never know a good thing till it’s gone
You never see a crash until it’s head on
All those people right when we’re dead wrong
You never know a good thing till it’s gone

Bongkar" Day

Here is my unordered bookself.. not only book,
there are dolls, lantern, damaged clock, photoalbums, old cassetes...etc.(haha ... my multifunction book self! )

I really love my books, but my bad habit makes me ignore them

yesterday, i spare a little of my time to take care of them (also get rid of some unimportant-stuffs^^)

Not much different, euh? upside are novels n
downside are school textbooks.

maybe i have to accept the truth ,
(like what my parents always say)
i'm miss Messy T.T

Now it's much better, isn't it?

Views from my room 918, Hotel athlete Century Park Jakarta.

There were Gelora Bung Karno n a unique baseball field (it's shape is love).

p.s: sorry... not very clear, coz it was taken with phone cam